श्रियै समस्तचिदचिद्विधानव्यसनं हरे: |
अङ्गीकारीभिरालोकैः सार्थयन्तैः कृतोन्जलिः ||
I submit myself through humble anjali mudra to Sri Mahalakshmi whose majestic look of approval brings fruition and renders a meaning to the task of governance of the Universe,its creation,protection and dissolution that the Lord achieves at some strain only to please Her.
In Vaishnava Agama Mahalakshmi the
Consort of Narayana has been recognized as the supreme power governing the
Universe (Sarvalokeshwari) and it is this absolute energy which has been recognized
as “Sri” Tattva.All the devatas have been endowed with power but its only Narayana
who is recognized as Srivatsa Yukta the one who is yukta with the most
excellent form of Energy.He is the Supreme Ishwara since He was chosen by Sri
Herself to be one with Her.
Sri Mahatmya can be realized as
vaishnavacharyas have invoked Him as Lakshmipati and Sripati in beginning of
all works.Meaning that the Absolute Lordship lies with one who bears the
insignia of Lakshmi(Srivatsa Lanchita) or who is the Consort of Sri.
The Mother has numerous hymns sung to
her by sages ,gods and men but the ultimate of them all is considered to be Sri
The Rig Vedic Hymn Sri sukta which is
a khila sukta(a later appendage to the collection of Hymns) is believed to be
an eulogy of Sri Mahalakshmi as the Sovereign who is both a benevolent Mother and
also the presiding authority of beings bestowing both Bhukti and Mukti. Sri or Lakshmi has been
considered an early Vedic goddess still very much adored and interpreted to be attribute
or consort of Indra,Pushan,Agni,Soma and also identified with Usha.However in
Vaishnava Philosophy everything is but an attribute of Narayana all forms of
divinity are sparks of Him every word of the Vedas invoke only Him by various
names(Ekam Sad Vipra Bahudha Vadanti meaning there is only Truth which sages
call by many names.) thus Sri is endowed in all these names.
The word Sri is known said to mean one
who is the refuge of all(Asrayate iti Sri).The ultimate resting place of all
beings is the state of Liberation.Vaikuntha avastha.
She being Prakriti
Herself is known as the Kshetra(that which is to be known…the unfathomable
energy pervading and becoming the infinite expanse of Universe )and being Her
Beloved Narayana is Kshetrajna(the knower).*Thus the Lordship's omnipresence
lies with His being united with Sri at all times.
Sri Tattva:
The word Sri is said to denote that
which is excellent.It arises from the root word “Sr” which means the refuge of
all (Asrayate iti Sri).
Sri Vaishnavism,the school of
vaishnavism which begins with Mahalakshmi as Guru has given the following
interpretations of the word Sri.
Sreeyate:’ One who is resorted to' -
Sri is resorted to by those who desire Moksha.
:- 'One who resorts to' -the Supreme lord of all in order to secure for the
Jeeva the Moksha desired. This aspect of the mother is Called 'Purushakara'
(Recommendatory mediator).
is not to confuse it with other philosophical schools where a mediating role is
played by Shakti which has relative existence to ultimately reach a guna and
shakti vihina state of reality since the idea of Brahman here is always Sri
yukta Vishnu thus “that which is the media is also the aim in itself” as the
Stri and Purusha tattva together comprise the Absolute Brahman).
: - 'One who listens'. This is the etymological meaning. She listens to the cry
of the suffering of those who have sought her refuge.
:- 'One who causes to listen'. She pleads to the lord on their behalf by
reminding him of his vow ' to protect those who surrender, even at the cost of
his own life'.
dampatya lila played between the two since He being eternally in consonance
with Her cannot deny what She wishes thus Her will is said to be the Ultimate).
Srunaati :- This also is
derived etymologically meaning ' One who removes all faults'. By her
intervention, she removes all obstacles in the way of those who have adopted
(being Mahavidya* Swarupini
she reveals the truth thus clearing all that which veils us with ignorance)
*Vishnu Purana-Hymn to Mahalakshmi
Sreenaati:- is a Nirukta(base)
meaning ' One who makes the world ripe by her qualities'.
word Sri means that which is complete in itself and makes other realize that
state of completion.This root word is said to render everything “purnatva” and
excellence.Thus all Her play is enclosed within it.
Sri as an intrinsic attribute to
Mahavishnu is depicted as a trikona symbolising Pradhana(the primeval becoming,original
root,mula prakriti ).It consists within it three leaves to depict the
trigunatmika sakti which flows as an energy within itself in complete
equilibrium Avyakta Rupini seated in His chest.Here She resides as the Goddess
of all Fortunes(meaning Gunas which are both prakritik and aprakritik),the lac
of Her feet adorning His chest rendering the place a reddish hue.
Parabrahman is said to be
anirvachaniya or aprakrita Guna/Sakti sampanna in the ultimate state and he
along with his Sakti being unfathomable in that avastha thus they emerge as
Lakshmi Narayana out of compassion for us the reason for Her taking up Purushakara.
(It is to be noted that in this school of philosophy Purusha and His Sakti the functionary aspect of the divine couple are not segregated as to make the Purusha totally inert and unapproachable beyond all means while the whole of the governance of the manifest universe being solely lying upon Sakti but the they working in perfect unison with each other at all times and places carrying it out for the well being of all.)
A unique thing described by Sri Mahalakshmi
to Indra in Lakshmi Tantra is that both Brahman and His Sakti being achintya
its futile to attribute qualities or functions to both and trying to decipher
the relation between them they being perfectly integral to each other until
they assume so out of their own wish thus putting a reasonable and conclusive end
to all speculations through logic and reasoning.
The following below is a humble
attempt at word to word translation of the Sri Sukta Bhasya as per Lakshmi Tantra of
Pancharatra Agama said to be revealed by Sri Devi to the King of Gods who is
also known as Shakra.
विश्वारणे नमस्तुभ्यं नमो विश्वविभूतये |
सर्वसामपि सिद्धिनाम नमस्ते मूलहेतवे
विश्वारणे:Cosmic Arani,a piece of wood which produces fire when rubbed against
another(used for yagnas),Universal Mother pregnant with the latent fire of life; नमस्तुभ्यं:I bow to You; विश्वविभूतये:pervading the world and thus as its sovereign authority presiding
over the Universe ; सर्वसामपि:including everything ; सिद्धिनाम:skill /ability acquired through any
performance of action; मूलहेतवे:the root cause,inciter
I bow to You
O Vishva Arani,the supreme Mother pregnant with the fire of life holding in
your womb the sparks of consciousness as well You pervade over the world and thus the Sovereign Authority
presiding over this Universe after its manifestation.Whatever perfection of
skill(siddhi) is achieved through performance of actions You are also that
being the root cause, inciter of all causes.
आदिदेवात्मभूतायै नारायणकुटुम्बिनी |
समस्तजगदाराध्ये नमस्ते
आदिदेवात्मभूतायै:identical with the primal Lord You are his manifest form
which is perceptible; नारायणकुटुम्बिनी:the consort of nArAyaNa; समस्तजगदाराध्ये:One who is propitiated by all; पद्मयोनये:one arising out of the Lotus
You are the
manifested form of Your primeval Lord(here the adideva refers probably to तुरियतीता परा वासुदेवा) identical to Him in every aspect O
Consort of nArAyaNa the whole Universe propitiates only You prostrations to You
O One who arised out of the Lotus.
त्वत्प्रसादाच्छ्रुता मन्त्रास्त्वदीयः सिद्धयो मया |
च सर्वेषाम यथावदवधारितम् ||
त्वत्प्रसादाच्छ्रुता:by Your Grace only; मन्त्रास्त्वदीयः:all Your mantras; सिद्धयो मया:have been perfectly grasped by me; आराधनम्:Your propitiation through them; च:also; सर्वेषाम:all of them; यथावदवधारितम्:they came to be known to me
Its only by
Your grace that all the mantras that were revealed unto me have been perfected
and also how Your propitiation through them(putting the powers imbibed in those
mantras into effect) have come to be known.
इदानीम श्रोतुमिच्छामि त्वद्वक्त्राम्बुजानिःसृतम् |
त्वत्सूक्तस्य विधिम् कृत्स्नमुपसंन्नोsस्मयधिहि भो ||
इदानीम:presently; श्रोतुमिच्छामि:I desire to listen; त्वद्वक्त्राम्बुजानिःसृतम्: revelation from Your lotus like
pure auspicious mouth; त्वत्सूक्तस्य:of Your sukta; विधिम्:rules regulated for Your worship
through it; कृत्स्नमुपसंन्नोsस्मयधिहि:satiate me fully as am under your
tutelage to receive; भो:am enthused.
presently I desire to listen to the revelation from Your mouth which is
auspicious and pure as a lotus the way to conduct Your worship through that Sukta
of Yours regulated by rules.Thus kindly satiate me O Mother as am fully under
Your tutelage enthused in anticipation to receive it!
which is moving thus all the lokas under influence of time and space.
देवो नारायणो नाम जगतस्तस्थुषस्पति:|
आत्मा च सर्वलोकानां षाड्गुण्यानन्दविग्रह ||
देवो नारायणो नाम :that Lord of Mine known by the name of
जगतस्तस्थुषस्पति: :has
the ultimate lordship over all that is in state of movement(jagat:born out of
gati) and is stationary(tasthu:stationary);
आत्मा :Self; च :also; सर्वलोकानां :of all Lokas ; षाड्गुण्यानन्दविग्रह :the repository of six prime attributes,the
bhagavad gunas (knowledge,strength,sovereignity,splendor,energy and virility )
with a form which is the source of bliss.
That Lord of Mine known by the name of
nArAyaNa has the ultimate lordship over all that is in state of movement and
also that which is stationary.He is the Self residing in all and the sole
repository of the six prime attributes(ज्ञानम् बलम ऐश्वर्य विभूति शक्ति तेजस ) possessing a form which is the source of
सर्वज्ञ सर्वकार्यकृत |
सर्वकल्याणसंश्रय: ||
:the multifaceted prakriti is under His perfect control; सर्वज्ञ:
:He is omniscient; सर्वकार्यकृत
निरनिष्टोनवध्यश्च :He
is free from anything that is ominous and undesirable(anishta) ever remaining
the flawless One(anavadhya);
:being the refuge of all that is beneficial
He is the supreme controller of the
multifarious prakriti omniscient,omnipotent,free from everything that is
ominous and undesirable ever remaining in a flawless state.
तमसां तेजसां चैव भासकः स्वप्रकाशतः |
अंतर्यामी नियन्ता च
भावाभावविभाववित: ||
तमसां :darkness/that
which veils; तेजसां :light/knowledge; चैव :
both; भासकः :are caused to appear/rendered their inherent
स्वप्रकाशतः :by his self luminescence which
enlightens/gives meaning to everything; अंतर्यामी :the inner controller; च भावाभावविभाववित: :also regulating the experiences of all
positive and negative phenomena.
Both that which is darkness and that
which is light/ knowledge are caused to appear/rendered their meaning by his
self luminescence which itself enlightens and gives essence of everything.He
being the inner controller also regulates the experiences of all the positive
and negative phenomenas.
A critical point he being the source
of everything the essence/intrinsic nature of everything is revealed by his
luminosity only thus it is both darkness and light are caused by nArAyaNa who
is the source of every possibilities and experiences.
शक्तिमान सकलाधारः सर्वशक्तिमदीश्वरः |
तस्याहं परमाशक्तिरेका श्रीर्नाम शाश्वती ||
शक्तिमान :the
possessor of shakti; सकलाधारः :the
substratum of everything; सर्वशक्तिमदीश्वरः :my omnipotent lord; तस्याहं
:I am His; परमाशक्तिरेका
:his supreme energy; श्रीर्नाम
:known as Sri; शाश्वती
My omnipotent Lord is the possessor of
all Saktis being the substratum of everything and I am His eternal supreme
energy known for my excellence as Sri.
सर्वकामदुघा विभो: |
आत्मभित्तिसमुन्मिलच्छुद्धाशुद्धविवर्गिणी ||
निरस्तनिखिलावध्या :the entire manifest world has gush forth from Myself down pouring into the whole
diversity; सर्वकामदुघा :a
milch cow which is the base of all desires (कामधेनु); विभो: :all pervading; आत्मभित्तिसमुन्मिलच्छुद्धाशुद्धविवर्गिणी
:a minute fragment of my own self
unfolding into the dual nature of pure and impure creation which takes
distinction by me.
Like a milch cow which is the base of all
desires the entire manifest world gushes forth from a minute fragment of My own
Self,like milk from its udder, into the dually distinct pure and impure creation.
(The Mother has time and again been identified in Her form of the celestial Kamadhenu as one who pours the Sap of Life.)
(The Mother has time and again been identified in Her form of the celestial Kamadhenu as one who pours the Sap of Life.)
Kamadhenu Swarupini.
अनुव्रता हृषीकेशं सर्वतः समतां गता |
तावावां परमे व्योम्नि पितरौ जगतः परौ ||
अनुव्रता :completely
devoted to ; हृषीकेशं :the supreme
lord who presides over the senses; सर्वतः :in all respects;समतां गता:equanimity in all functions; तावावां
:dwelling upon that; परमे व्योम्नि :absolute space; पितरौ :we the Universal Father and Mother; जगतः :of all; परौ :ultimate
I am completely devoted to my
Lord,presiding over the senses,and in equanimity to Him with respect to all the
functions We the ultimate father and mother of all dwell upon that absolute
अनुग्रहाय लोकानां स्तिथौ स्वः परया श्रिया |
जीवानां हितकाम्यया ||
अनुग्रहाय :out of
compassion ; लोकानां :for the
; स्तिथौ :established ; स्वः
:we ; परया :in that supreme state unfathomable; श्रिया :of excellence ; कदाचित्कृपयाविष्टौ :once accompanied by grace for ; जीवानां
:the jeevas ; हितकाम्यया
:desiring their benefit ;
Established in that unfathomable supreme
state of excellence once We out of compassion for the lokas accompanied by
grace for all the creatures and desiring their benefit.
सुखिनः स्यूरीमे जीवाः प्राप्नुयुर्नौ कथं न्विति |
परमेण समाधिना ||
सुखिनः :striving for
happiness स्यूरीमे : us incited
; जीवाः :beings ; प्राप्नुयुर्नौ :a media to attain; उपायान्वेषणायत्तौ
:searching for a solution to guide
Incited to strive for a media for the
beings to attain Us who are the source of all happiness and thus searching for
a solution to guide them .
मथ्निव: स्मातिगम्भीरं शब्दब्रह्ममहोदधिम् |
मथ्निव: :churning about
; स्मातिगम्भीरं
:deeply together;
शब्दब्रह्ममहोदधिम् : the
great ocean of Sabda Brahman;
मथ्यमानात्ततस्तस्मात् :the
extract obtained thus came out of therefore; सामर्ग्यजुषसंकुलात् :together sAma,rig,yajus
Churning about that great ocean of
Sabdabrahman containing rig,yajus and sAman an extract was therefore obtained
out of it.
तत् सूक्तमिथुनं दिव्यं दध्नो घृतमिवोत्थितम् |
अनाहतसंदिग्धमनस्पष्टमनश्वरम् ||
तत् :that; सुक्तमिथुनं
:pair of suktas ; दिव्यं
:divine ; दध्नो :condensed milk ; घृतमिवोत्थितम् : just like clarified butter rises up from; अनाहतमसंदिग्धमनस्पष्टमनश्वरम्
:integral,flawless,clear and undecaying
in nature.
Those twin pair of suktas arose,which
are integral,flawless,clear and undecaying in nature, just like clarified butter
rises up from condensed milk.
सर्वैश्वर्यगुणोपेतमनाकुलपदाक्षरम् |
शश्वदन्योन्याक्षरमिश्रितम् ||
सर्वैश्वर्यगुणोपेतमनाकुलपदाक्षरम् : endowed with verses and syllables which are
of matchless qualities; आद्द्योस्थानतयो:
:both at the beginning and at the end; शश्वदन्योन्याक्षरमिश्रितम् :which
are eternally reciprocal of each other being conjoined with it.
These were endowed with verses and
syllables of matchless qualities and conjoined with syllables at the beginning
and the end which are eternally reciprocal of each other.
तत्तदक्षरमिश्रितम् |
तत्र पुंलक्षणं सूक्तं सद्ब्रह्मगुणभूषितम् ||
शक्तिशक्तिमदाविद्धं :Imbued
with the Sakti and the Possesor of it ; तत्तदक्षरमिश्रितम् :the syllables regarding to each of Them being
conjoined ; तत्र :that with it; पुंलक्षणं
:endowed with with Purusha tattva ; सूक्तं
:the sukta; सद्ब्रह्मगुणभूषितम्
:adorned with all the characterestics
of the Supreme Brahman.
Imbued with the Sakti and the Possesor
of it and the syllables relating to each of Them being conjoined together that
sukta endowed with Purusha tattva (Purusha Suktam) is adorned with all the
characterestics of the Sad Brahman.
(Sakti and its Possesor)*
*denoting “Ha” and “Sa” syllables which
are to be added at the beginning and end of the Sukta ("Hamsa" the sound
emanating from the inhaling and exhaling breath which is the Purusha and His
स्वीचकारारविन्दाक्ष: स्वमहिम्नि प्रतिष्ठितम् |
तत्र स्त्रीलक्षणं सूक्तं सद्ब्रह्मगुणभूषितम् ||
:acknowledged by the Lotus Eyed One being composed of His own(He is both the
Sage and the Presiding Deity of this mantra); स्वमहिम्नि :His own Glory ; प्रतिष्ठितम् : the foundation of it; तत्र :similary that ; स्त्रीलक्षणं :endowed with Stri/Prakriti Tattva; सूक्तं
:the sukta (Sri Sukta); सद्ब्रह्मगुणभूषितम्
:adorned with all the characterestics
of the Supreme Brahman
Acknowledged by the Lotus Eyed
One to be composed of His own and Its
Glory being established in His foundation similarly the other sukta endowed
with Stri /Prakriti Tattva is also endowed with all the characterestics of Sad
स्वमहिम्नि प्रतिष्ठितम् |
ते एते परमे सूक्ते महर्षिगणसेविते ||
स्वीचकाराहमव्यग्रा :Being
firmly composed of Myself ; स्वमहिम्नि :My
own Glory ; प्रतिष्ठितम् :the
foundation upon which it is established ; ते :they; एते :these; परमे :Supreme;
सुक्ते :sukta of
Ours ;
महर्षिगणसेविते :have been studied
by the greatest of sages.
Being firmly composed of Myself and My
own Glory being the foundation upon which it is established these Supreme Suktas
of Ours have been studied by the
greatest of sages.
(I apologise in advance for any mistakes that may have crept in the bhasya for my own lack of discretion and would welcome any credible correction to the Bhasya and my understanding of it.)
Lakshmi Tantra (Pancharatra Agama Sanskrit);
Lakshmi Tantra by Sanjukta Deb;
The foreword shloka of Sri Devi is from Guna Ratna Kosam composed by Sri Parasara Bhattar.